Wellness Coach
HEALING STARTS AT HOMEWe all hold the key to unlocking a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. Our journey to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness starts with one crucial step: accepting we alone are responsible for nurturing our own bodies.
But it doesn't mean you have to do it alone!
The Body Boost Program
JUST START SOMEWHEREDiscover the power of real food with The Body Boost: a self-paced course designed for women who want to transform their lives by building the foundations of good health.
Private health coaching
A PLAN JUST FOR YOUFor those who would prefer a personalised plan based on their unique health history and goals... we offer private consultations. Not sure which is the best option for you? Book a free 15 minute consult and we can point you in the right direction.
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FITNESS AND NUTRITIONFrom Our Body Boosters....
Increased energy and focus, clearer skin, stronger hair and nails, and 17kgs lighter in just 12 weeks. By following Di’s advice I transformed my health completely. Once you feel the difference … there is no going back. Two years in, and still going strong.
Jenna S.
I was told to take desperate measures to regain my health and avoid surgery, but then I met Di and she showed me a better path. We found the cause of my inflammation, I lost 30 kilos along with the pain in my hands and feet. Two years later and I’m still loving the recipes, simple food swaps, tips and continuous support.
Ngarie H.
I regained control of my health through the Body Boost Program, reducing my stress, losing unwanted kilos that had crept on, and solving a series of health complications including migraines and inflammatory issues.
Leonie K.
After struggling with multiple autoimmune diseases, I knew it was time for a change, but I didn’t expect it to come so quickly and be so dramatic. Medical tests proved The Body Boost has done wonders for my health. Armed with this new knowledge and tools, I am confident I can continue down the road to long-term health.
Marnie C.
I knew my body wasn’t working for me, so I drew the line in the sand when it came to my health and took the time to focus on me. With Di’s help, it only took some small tweaks to what I was already doing to see a huge difference. All you have to do is seek advice, make those tiny little changes and you’ll succeed.
Genine Smith
It’s been 12 months since I started my first round of the Body Boost Program. I’m 11kg lighter, my skin feels softer and smoother than it ever has, I definitely have less aches and pains, more energy and basically feel like a different person.